Greetings in Christ!
We are glad to welcome you to the website of St. Peter's Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, Auckland, New Zealand. We have submitted ourselves in the hands of God Almighty to use us as He wills, for the glorification of His name. We approach these plans with openness, humility and hope. Come with us to share the joy of being used by God especially while being in Diaspora.
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead " - 1 Peter 1:3
Peace Be With You

A Word About Us
Fellowship, Friendship & Worship
The St. Peter’s Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church was established in New Zealand in September 2003 by the immigrant families and individuals of Syrian Christian tradition from Kerala. This helped us to worship in Malayalam language and Jacobite tradition, to grow in Christian fellowship and friendship.
Our Holy Mass is conducted in Malayalam every Sunday. If you know someone who shares the tradition, please refer them to this church. If you are in Auckland, come with us to share the joy of being used by God especially while being in Diaspora.
There are families from various parts of Kerala, and a number of them came from various parts of Kerala. You will most probably find a person from your region.
We believe intentional relationships are key to sustained spiritual growth. That's why small groups are such an important part of our mission -fellowship & friendship.
Our Community Connect Groups, allow us to connect, support, and grow as we learn to do life together in New Zealand. We consider local community care as an important aspect of our church life.
In a church group, people study God's word together and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It's also where they pray, care for one another, and are missed if they don't show up. We have St. Mary's Women's League, Sunday School, Youth Association to meet this goal.
Our Mission
St Peter's has the honor of connecting people to God, Jesus Christ, and to one another in a loving and caring setting. It is our mission to empower our community to become disciples of God by learning the gospels and practicing his word.
The word “church” originates from the word “gathering” or “to gather”. This is why we so strongly cling to the notion that the church is not a building or a structure, but rather, the church is actually the believers themselves. We aim to maintain and foster a comfortable environment for our congregation to gather, build relationships, demonstrate love and share their knowledge. We believe that the Lord Almighty rewards those who take time out of each day to show their gratitude through prayer and spirituality.
Sandhya Namaskaram
Saturday 6:00 - 7:00pm
Holy Qurbana
Sunday 8:45 - 11:30am
15 Culperry Rd, Glendene, Auckland 0602

Holy Mass Time
The Jacobite Church also celebrates Holy Qurbana in other cities across New Zealand
Hamilton: http://stmaryschurch.org.nz/
Contact - Fr. Abin Manakattu
+64 21 08 665 238
Wellington: http://stjohnthebaptistjsc.org.nz/
Contact Fr. Sijo Kallarackal Varghese
Christchurch: Contact Fr. Robin Baby
+64 21 2561817
Nelson: http://stjohnthebaptistjsc.org.nz/
Contact Fr. Sijo Kallarackal Varghese
Tauranga: St George Jacobite Church, Tauranga
Contact - Fr. Elvin P Abraham
+64 20 4077 5688
New Plymouth:
Hawkes Bay: Contact Fr. Johns Koshy M
+64 22 6968543
Palmerston North: Contact Fr. Sijo K Varghese
Whangarei: Contact Fr. Sijo Kallarackal Varghese
Church Leadership
Committed to Instilling Faith into All Congregants
We promise to give our very best to keep our Church a shining beacon in this land we've adopted. To this end we request all your cooperation, support and understanding in the smooth functioning of our Church.

Vicar, President
Vice President
Yeldos Pukkunnel Varghese
Dony Chennoth
Eldho Joy
Committee Members
Robin k Babu
Dipu Issac
Ann Kuruvila
Agie Arun

St. Peter
Our Patron Saint

Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Former Clergy

H.G. Mor Themotheos Thomas

H.G. Mor Theophilos Kuriakose

H.G Mor Ireneous Paulose

Rev. Dr . Joseph Zachariah Maramkandam Cor Episcopa
2003, 2006-2013,

Rev. Dr. Jacob Joseph
Our Patrons
Contact Us
15 Culperry Rd, Glendene, Auckland 0602

For urgent matters call:
Rev. Dr. Joseph Zachariah M +64 20 4088 5350
Mr. Dony Chennoth +64 22 396 1408